September 19 2019

It seems like the world of e-liquids revolves around two pairs of letters: VG and PG. These letters confuse almost everyone new to electronic cigarettes, and even some seasoned vapers need a reminder from time to time. However, anyone who wants to get the most out of their vape needs to know what they mean if they’re going to get the most out of their vaping experience. So, we’ve come up with a step-by-step guide to walk you through VG and PG.
VG/PG: The Basics
First, we’re going to run through what these abbreviations stand for.
VG = Vegetable Glycerin
Vegetable Glycerin is a natural chemical that is based from vegetable oils. It is used in a number of medical, food and personal care products, such as:
- Sweeteners
- Make up
- Pet food
- Soap and hand cream
PG = Propylene Glycolis
Propylene Glycolis a petroleum bi-product. It is used in many household items including:
- Asthma inhalers
- Toothpaste
- Shampoo
- Baby wipes
VG vs. PG
The consistency of your e-liquid affects how quickly it will be absorbed by the coil in your e-cigarette which will decide how much time you must allow between filling up and vaping. It will also affect the build-up of goo there is inside your vaporiser, which will require cleaning VG: Thick consistency Vegetable Glycerin is a thick solution which means you have to give it more time to soak into your coil before vaping. It also causes more of a gunk build up which will require you to clean your vape more often. PG: Thin consistency Propylene Glycol is a thinner solution which means it is more easily absorbed your coils, and it causes less build up of goo inside your vaporiser.
This is one of the most important things to consider when buying e-liquid; you could have your nicotine levels right, and get the right e-juice for your vaping style, but if you don’t like the taste of it then you won’t use it. VG: Sweeter, diluted flavour Vegetable Glycerin is naturally sweet but this causes the chemical to dilute the overall flavours of your e-liquid. This isn’t ideal if you’ve invested in an e-liquid with complex notes. PG: No effect on flavour Propylene Glycol is a tasteless and odourless substance. This means that it doesn’t alter the taste of the e-liquid at all, and all the lovely tastes of the e-liquid will come through.
Throat Hit
This really separates vapers in two distinct groups: put simply, there’s those who love a throat hit and those that hate it. It’s often ex-smokers that prefer a stronger throat hit because it replicates the feeling of smoking cigarettes, but the only way to find out which group you fall into is to try them both out. VG: Less throat hit Vegetable Glycerin gives you less of a throat hit and has a much smoother sensation. This is great for vapers who like to ‘chain-vape’ or will be using their vaporiser at more regular intervals. PG: More throat hit Propylene Glycol provides a stronger throat hit, which is great for vapers looking to replicate a cigarette-style sensation but can dry out the mouth and throat if used too frequently.
Cloud Production
Almost every bit of vaping advertisement you will have ever seen features someone with a thick plume of vapour coming out of their mouth, but that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. It all comes down to the style of vaping you’re looking for. VG: More clouds Vegetable Glycerin has a thicker consistency means that it will produce much more vapour. This makes it great for sub-oHm vaping and for performing vape tricks such as blowing rings. PG: Less vapour Propylene Glycol is a thinner substance which means that it has lower vapour production, which suits people who want a smoking feel to their vape and might want to vape indoors.
Final Say
There you have it – a 101 on VG and PG. Who could have thought four letters could mean so much! Hopefully, the next time you’re quizzed on these substances, you’ll feel much more comfortable in your knowledge. It’s important to remember that there’s no right and wrongs when it comes to your VG and PG preferences, but it is good to know how they perform so you can choose the right ratio for your style of vaping.