Fact Check With T-Juice: Is Vaping Better Than Smoking?

August 03 2020

Fact Check With T-Juice: Is Vaping Better Than Smoking?
Fact Check With T-Juice: Is Vaping Better Than Smoking?
"The short answer is yes - vaping is better than smoking. A number of medical studies have found that vaping is a less harmful alternative to smoking and an effective way to quit cigarettes. If you need more convincing, here’s a full breakdown:

Vaping is less harmful

We know this is a big one for a lot of people. A lot of false news gets spread about the safety of vaping, which means uncertainty is understandable. However, the truth is clear - vaping is much less harmful than smoking. Don’t take our word for it  - Public Health England’s regularly updated report states that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking, the NHS actively encourages smokers to switch to vaping, and huge medical charities such as Cancer Research UK, and Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) support it.

Vaping is a more effective quitting tool

If you’re looking to quit smoking, vaping could be a great choice for you. Research from Stop Smoking Services has proven that you are far more likely to quit with the use of a vape device than by going ‘cold turkey’ or using other nicotine products on their own. T-Juice was established to help as many smokers as possible go smokefree. Many of us have undertaken that same journey ourselves and are now cigarette free.

Vaping is less expensive 

Whilst the health impacts of smoking are well known, there is another impact that’s unavoidable - it’s expensive. If you don’t want to give up nicotine and you’re looking for a way to save money, vaping could be the perfect solution for you. You would be amazed how much you could save by switching to vaping - here’s a hint - it’s more than £1,000 a year! Check out our article for a breakdown of the numbers.

Vaping is a better experience

Ok, so this one is a bit biased but we think that vaping is a far better experience than smoking. Firstly, because there are hundreds of e-liquid flavours to choose from. Flavours ranging from forest fruits and cherry menthol to vanilla tobacco and peppermint - it’s all down to your tastes. Then there’s the fact that vaping doesn’t leave a bad smell on your clothes, on your breath or in your hair. Finally, there’s the fact that vaping gives you the opportunity to join a community. There are vaping exhibitions held all over the world that showcases vaping’s ability to bring people together. We know that it can take a lot of persuasion to switch over to vaping - smoking is addictive and giving it up is no easy task. However, when you begin to think about the positives that vaping has over smoking, you might begin to see things a bit differently. We hope so, anyway."