What Happens When You Quit Smoking
March 03 2020

It’s a question that every smoker has asked themselves: what happens when you stop smoking? We understand that it’s hard to imagine the benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle whilst you are still hooked on cigarettes. Whilst we won’t pretend that we’ve got all the answers, we can give you the proven health benefits in our quitting timeline.
20 minutes after quitting smoking
After just 20 minutes of not having a cigarette, your pulse rate will return to normal.
8 hours after quitting smoking
The nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood reduce more than half and your oxygen levels return to normal. It’s important to bear this in mind when you’re craving a cigarette at the end of a long day. If you are switching to vaping, now’s the time to use your vape and curb your cravings.
2 days after quitting smoking
It’s time to celebrate your quitting journey with your favourite takeaway because your ability to taste and smell has begun to improve by this point.
3 days after quitting smoking
What a difference a day makes. Your breathing will have become easier as the airways in your lungs (known as the bronchial tubes) relax. You’ll also notice that your energy levels are increasing – this might present itself as anxiety so try to focus on it as a positive step.
10 days after quitting smoking
This is the point that most ex-smokers recognize their cigarette cravings reducing. You can think of this as your body’s way of cheering you on.
2-12 weeks after quitting smoking
Your circulation has drastically improved since you last smoked and you may also notice that your cravings no longer exist. Well done for reaching this far but remember, it’s important to stay focused.
4-9 months after quitting smoking
Take a deep breath – your dreaded smoker’s cough should have completely disappeared by now as your lung’s function has increased by up to 10%.
9-12 months after quitting smoking
Take a deep breath – your dreaded smoker’s cough should have completely disappeared by now as your lung’s function has increased by up to 10%.
1 year after quitting smoking
This is a big moment for anyone that chooses to quit cigarettes – you should really enjoy this on a personal level because your heart certainly is – by this point, your risk of heart disease is roughly half of someone still smoking. Make a deal out of this day as you deserve it.
10 years after quitting smoking
One of the main reasons that people quit smoking is to avoid lung cancer and for good reason. After 10 years of quitting smoking, you have managed to reduce your risk of lung cancer to half that of a smoker.
15 years after quitting smoking
This may prove to be the first time in your adult life that your risk of health issues is equal to that of a non-smoker – your risk of heart attack is now the same as someone who has never smoked in their life.
We understand that quitting cigarettes is often a long and hard process for many. T-Juice was started as an alternative for people that wanted to quit smoking for good by vaping. It’s vital for those that want to stop smoking to have clear and proven advice, so we hope that our timeline has helped some people out there to kickstart their journey - and remember, we’re behind you every step of the way. You can read our Quit Smoking stories right here: Stop smoking part 1 , Stop Smoking Part 2 and Stop Smoking part 3.
After 1 year of being smoke free you should really enjoy this on a personal level because your heart certainly is - by this point, your risk of heart disease is roughly half of someone still smoking.