Stop Smoking Stories - Part 3

April 21 2021

Stop Smoking Stories - Part 3
Stop Smoking Stories - Part 3
"Quitting smoking isn’t easy, and every ex-smoker’s quitting story is different. Need a bit of extra motivation and inspiration? We’ve asked some of the vapers in the T-Juice community to tell their side of the story when it came to leaving cigarettes behind them.   

@reset_vaper (Instagram)

I began smoking tobacco when I was 14 years old. I started out smoking lightly and, thankfully, I never became a chain smoker. I was smoking a maximum of one pack of cigarettes a day. At 34 I had my first experience with vaping using an EGO device. Nobody explained to me how it worked or the effects it could have on me, so, at first, I even thought it was worse than smoking. It was locked in a drawer never to be used again. When I was 35 years old, in a meeting with a friend, he showed me a device. He gave it to me to try and I liked it much more. A week later I had my own device and several liquids with different concentrations of nicotine. I went from vaping at 6mg to 3mg in no time. Later I was only vaping 1.5mg and some nicotine-free liquids. I adapted and to this day I have not vaped nicotine for more than a year.   I am very happy that my lung capacity is greater, my sense of smell and taste have improved considerably, and I am really enjoying trying the different flavours that are available.’  

@juanrojasgema (Instagram)

I have smoked for 35 years. I have tried many methods to quit, but none of them ever worked for me. The doctor had already diagnosed me with a lung disease. The last time I tried to quit, I ended up smoking twice as much (more than two packs a day!). Three years ago they gave me a starter kit for a week - I vaped and smoked much less and on the sixth day I threw the tobacco in the trash. I vape because I like it and because it saved my life.’  

@how_about_vaping (Instagram)

Hello! My name is Denis and I was a heavy cigarette smoker for a very long time, about 30 years!   I consistently smoked about 1-1.5 packs a day and in recent years have started to experience significant health problems because of this. There were attempts to quit smoking, but this did not lead to anything and it seemed to me that this problem was forever with me! I experienced choking, chest pains, high blood pressure, and heart problems. I remember that I even tried switching to vaping in 2012, but then it didn’t work out and I returned to smoking!   But in 2019, I decided to give up cigarettes again and bought myself a small pod ... this damped my nicotine hunger and I was ripe for the transition! Since then I have been using various devices with organic nicotine liquids and it suits me down to the ground. I joined the vaping community and became a keen collector of devices. Vaping is now my hobby and helps me forget about smoking, as well as allowing me to meet new, like-minded people!’ Whether you’ve just taken your first steps on your smoke-free life or you’re a few years in, talking and listening to ex-smokers is a great way to boost your motivation. If you’re interested in sharing your own quitting story, please send us a message at our FacebookTwitter or Instagram pages!"