Stop Smoking Stories - Part 1
November 02 2020

Everyone has a tale to tell. We love hearing stories from vapers who’ve managed to escape smoking and get back to living a healthy life. As more and more people turn to the wonders of vaping, we decided to reach out to our community for some inspiring stories. In the words of our very own vapers, here’s why you should quit smoking and take up vaping.
‘Hmmm... well honestly I thought I could never quit smoking. I come from generations and generations of smokers, and so growing up in that kind of environment, smoking was just the thing to do.
The straw that broke the donkey's back was my Dad getting diagnosed with smoker's lung cancer last year. I have tried all sorts to quit, from patches to going cold turkey, but nothing stuck. With my Dad's cancer on my mind, I walked into my local vape shop and walked out with a solid kit and some liquids. I made a promise to myself then to really give quitting a good try this time, for my Dad's sake.
And since that day I have not touched a cigarette. I still get cravings for a fag every now and again, but I vape until those cravings go away. I’m 15 months smoke-free now.’
‘It's now nearly 4 years since I quit. I’m working in a delivery service up to 12 hours a day. I smoked 60 up to 70 cigarettes each day and it was very expensive. A little vape shop opened in my town and I went there just to get informed. When I got my information I went home, told my wife and she said to me - try it. So I went there straight away and bought a Nautilus 2 atomizer on a SMOK alien Box, with 4 batteries and a charging unit. My first vape was a 10ml Oriental tobacco with 18 nicotine. From that very day I never touched a cigarette again.
My atomizers and boxes have changed a lot. I tried a lot of different tastes but I still can't find anything better than tobacco. After 4 years of vaping I feel so much better. I’ve even started wrestling - one of the hardest sports you can do and I fit in it again.’
‘I started smoking when I was 13. Tried vaping a few years back but kept going back onto the cigarettes. During March/April 2020, while in lockdown, I decided to give it another go and bought myself a Geekvape Ageis X and some Heisenblue juice. I haven’t looked back since. It’s the best thing I’ve done in my life.’
‘I started about 7 years ago ...
I was tired of always going to get cigarettes in the store. I found vaping so interesting that I started to look into it. Eventually I stopped smoking and took up vaping because I was tired and wanted to live a healthy life again. I'm no longer out of breath, my clothes no longer stink - you name it, everything’s changed. My girlfriend has also stopped, which has helped us save a lot of money together and buy more for ourselves.’
This is just part 1 in a series of blogs we’re proud to share with you. If you’ve got an inspiring story about how vaping changed your life, please get in touch with us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and you could feature in the next blog! Feel Free to read our Stop Smoking stories part 2 and part 3.